Association Member Survey

Live Report

20-Sep-2024 7:14:49 PM

There are a total of 33 responses FROM 11-Oct-2008 to 20-May-2017.

  1. What is your overall level of satisfaction with our Association?

    27.3% 9/33 Very Dissatisfied
    18.2% 6/33 Dissatisfied
    27.3% 9/33 Neutral/No Opinion
    9.1% 3/33 Satisfied
    18.2% 6/33 Very Satisfied
     2.7/5Overall rating from 1 to 5

  2. Please rate the following in terms of quality...

    1) Annual Conference
    20.8% 5/24 Poor
    29.2% 7/24 Fair
    41.7% 10/24 Good
    8.3% 2/24 Excellent
    2) Newsletters
    21.7% 5/23 Poor
    30.4% 7/23 Fair
    39.1% 9/23 Good
    8.7% 2/23 Excellent
    3) Member Benefit Program
    18.2% 4/22 Poor
    31.8% 7/22 Fair
    40.9% 9/22 Good
    9.1% 2/22 Excellent
    4) Networking Events
    18.2% 4/22 Poor
    18.2% 4/22 Fair
    50.0% 11/22 Good
    13.6% 3/22 Excellent

  3. Over the past year as a member, which of the following association events have you attended?

    57.1% 12/21 Networking Events
    38.1% 8/21 Breakfast/Lunch Speaker Events
    38.1% 8/21 Annual Dinners

  4. If you were the Executive Director of this Association, what changes would you make?

  5. What is your gender?

    54.5% 18/33 Male
    45.5% 15/33 Female

  6. How long have you been a member of our association?

    List index out of bounds (-2)

  7. Your Contact Information:

    Click here for details

  8. We welcome any other comments or suggestions: