Live Report

27-Jul-2024 12:48:46 AM

There are a total of 32 responses FROM 03-Nov-2008 to 07-Aug-2018.

  1. Type of business

    8.3% 2/24 Aerospace
    4.2% 1/24 Manufacturing & Processing
    4.2% 1/24 Banking
    4.2% 1/24 Financing/Accounting
    4.2% 1/24 Insurance/Legal
    0.0% 0/24 Real Estate
    0.0% 0/24 Government
    0.0% 0/24 Medical/Health Care
    4.2% 1/24 Internet Service Providers
    4.2% 1/24 Communication Carriers
    8.3% 2/24 Transportation/Utilities
    12.5% 3/24 Construction/Engineering
    0.0% 0/24 Data Processing Services
    0.0% 0/24 Wholesale/retail/distributor
    4.2% 1/24 Education
    12.5% 3/24 Marketing
    8.3% 2/24 Research
    8.3% 2/24 Business Services/Consultants
    8.3% 2/24 Computer Manufacturers
    4.2% 1/24 Other

  2. How long have you been in this business?

    List index out of bounds (-3)

  3. Please state the nature of your business.

    4.3% 1/23 Sole proprietorship
    39.1% 9/23 Family ownership
    17.4% 4/23 Partnership/Associate
    17.4% 4/23 Limited Partnership
    21.7% 5/23 Incorporated

  4. Do you have any employees?

    73.9% 17/23 Yes
    26.1% 6/23 No

  5. If yes, how many?

    0.0% 0/23 1 only
    17.4% 4/23 2-5
    0.0% 0/23 6-9
    8.7% 2/23 10-24
    30.4% 7/23 25-49
    13.0% 3/23 50-99
    21.7% 5/23 100-499
    4.3% 1/23 500-999
    4.3% 1/23 1000 or more

  6. Do your employees have group benefits from your business?

    72.7% 16/22 Yes
    27.3% 6/22 No

  7. Please rate the following statements...

    Ranked Average SummaryWeighted Average
    The money I make with my business is not worth the time I spend on it2.52
    My business has improved along with the economic growth of the province2.48
    I pay too many taxes.2.43
    If I was to start all over again I'd do exactly the same thing.2.38
    I am very happy with my business.2.38
    My business will take care of me at old age.2.33
    The provincial government does not do enough for small business owners2.27

    1) The provincial government does not do enough for small business owners
    9.1% 2/22 Strongly agree
    54.5% 12/22 Agree
    36.4% 8/22 Disagree
    0.0% 0/22 Strongly disagree
     2.3/4Overall rating from 1 to 4
    2) I pay too many taxes.
    14.3% 3/21 Strongly agree
    33.3% 7/21 Agree
    47.6% 10/21 Disagree
    4.8% 1/21 Strongly disagree
     2.4/4Overall rating from 1 to 4
    3) The money I make with my business is not worth the time I spend on it
    0.0% 0/21 Strongly agree
    57.1% 12/21 Agree
    33.3% 7/21 Disagree
    9.5% 2/21 Strongly disagree
     2.5/4Overall rating from 1 to 4
    4) I am very happy with my business.
    19.0% 4/21 Strongly agree
    33.3% 7/21 Agree
    38.1% 8/21 Disagree
    9.5% 2/21 Strongly disagree
     2.4/4Overall rating from 1 to 4
    5) My business has improved along with the economic growth of the province
    9.5% 2/21 Strongly agree
    33.3% 7/21 Agree
    57.1% 12/21 Disagree
    0.0% 0/21 Strongly disagree
     2.5/4Overall rating from 1 to 4
    6) My business will take care of me at old age.
    4.8% 1/21 Strongly agree
    57.1% 12/21 Agree
    38.1% 8/21 Disagree
    0.0% 0/21 Strongly disagree
     2.3/4Overall rating from 1 to 4
    7) If I was to start all over again I'd do exactly the same thing.
    19.0% 4/21 Strongly agree
    23.8% 5/21 Agree
    57.1% 12/21 Disagree
    0.0% 0/21 Strongly disagree
     2.4/4Overall rating from 1 to 4

  8. How optimistic are you about the Canadian economy today?

    9.5% 2/21 very optimistic
    42.9% 9/21 rather optimistic
    47.6% 10/21 rather pessimistic
    0.0% 0/21 very pessimistic

  9. How many banks do you deal with for your business

    62.5% 5/8 One only
    37.5% 3/8 Three or more banks
    0.0% 0/8 Two banks

  10. Please rate the following as...

    Ranked Average SummaryWeighted Average
    Having all my bank services, insurance and investment with only one bank2.55
    Dealing with people rather than the ATM2.55
    Dealing with only one bank representative who knows my file personally2.50
    Having a good line of credit2.40
    Having a bank representative to visit me and advise me on new products & services2.30
    Knowing personally the Manager of the bank2.19

    1) Knowing personally the Manager of the bank
    19.0% 4/21 Very Important
    42.9% 9/21 rather important
    38.1% 8/21 rather unimportant
    0.0% 0/21 Not important at all
     2.2/4Overall rating from 1 to 4
    2) Dealing with only one bank representative who knows my file personally
    5.0% 1/20 Very Important
    40.0% 8/20 rather important
    55.0% 11/20 rather unimportant
    0.0% 0/20 Not important at all
     2.5/4Overall rating from 1 to 4
    3) Having a bank representative to visit me and advise me on new products & services
    0.0% 0/20 Very Important
    70.0% 14/20 rather important
    30.0% 6/20 rather unimportant
    0.0% 0/20 Not important at all
     2.3/4Overall rating from 1 to 4
    4) Dealing with people rather than the ATM
    5.0% 1/20 Very Important
    45.0% 9/20 rather important
    40.0% 8/20 rather unimportant
    10.0% 2/20 Not important at all
     2.5/4Overall rating from 1 to 4
    5) Having all my bank services, insurance and investment with only one bank
    0.0% 0/20 Very Important
    45.0% 9/20 rather important
    55.0% 11/20 rather unimportant
    0.0% 0/20 Not important at all
     2.5/4Overall rating from 1 to 4
    6) Having a good line of credit
    5.0% 1/20 Very Important
    50.0% 10/20 rather important
    45.0% 9/20 rather unimportant
    0.0% 0/20 Not important at all
     2.4/4Overall rating from 1 to 4

  11. In general how would you rate your level of satisfaction with the bank/s you deal with today?

    4.8% 1/21 Poor
    42.9% 9/21 Fair
    23.8% 5/21 Good
    28.6% 6/21 Very Good
    0.0% 0/21 Excellent
     2.8/5Overall rating from 1 to 5

  12. Have you ever been approached by an insurance agent?

    52.4% 11/21 Yes
    47.6% 10/21 No

  13. If yes, on how many occasions?

    11.1% 2/18 Once
    83.3% 15/18 2-4 times
    5.6% 1/18 5 and more

  14. Presently do you have:

    1) Health & Dental benefits (or group benefits)
    57.9% 11/19 Yes
    42.1% 8/19 No
    2) Disability insurance
    57.9% 11/19 Yes
    42.1% 8/19 No
    3) Travel insurance
    50.0% 10/20 Yes
    50.0% 10/20 No
    4) Life insurance
    36.8% 7/19 Yes
    63.2% 12/19 No
    5) Critical illness insurance
    47.4% 9/19 Yes
    52.6% 10/19 No
    6) Mortgage insurance on your business or residence
    52.6% 10/19 Yes
    47.4% 9/19 No

  15. How important is it for you as a small businessowner to have the following:

    1) Health & Dental Benefits (or group benefits)
    15.0% 3/20 Very important
    30.0% 6/20 rather important
    40.0% 8/20 rather unimportant
    15.0% 3/20 Not important at all
    2) Disability insurance
    5.0% 1/20 Very important
    60.0% 12/20 rather important
    35.0% 7/20 rather unimportant
    0.0% 0/20 Not important at all
    3) Critical illness insurance
    5.0% 1/20 Very important
    55.0% 11/20 rather important
    35.0% 7/20 rather unimportant
    5.0% 1/20 Not important at all
    4) Life insurance
    5.0% 1/20 Very important
    50.0% 10/20 rather important
    40.0% 8/20 rather unimportant
    5.0% 1/20 Not important at all
    5) Travel insurance
    4.8% 1/21 Very important
    57.1% 12/21 rather important
    28.6% 6/21 rather unimportant
    9.5% 2/21 Not important at all

  16. Today do you have assets invested in

    1) RRSP
    25.0% 5/20 Yes
    75.0% 15/20 No
    2) Non-RRSP
    65.0% 13/20 Yes
    35.0% 7/20 No
    3) RESP for your children
    50.0% 10/20 Yes
    50.0% 10/20 No
    4) Real Estate
    57.1% 12/21 Yes
    42.9% 9/21 No
    5) Stocks
    25.0% 5/20 Yes
    75.0% 15/20 No
    6) Mutual or Segregated Funds
    45.0% 9/20 Yes
    55.0% 11/20 No

  17. How would you evaluate your knowledge of

    1) RRSP
    0.0% 0/20 Excellent
    45.0% 9/20 Good
    40.0% 8/20 Not good
    15.0% 3/20 Poor
    2) Tax-sheltered products
    5.0% 1/20 Excellent
    60.0% 12/20 Good
    20.0% 4/20 Not good
    15.0% 3/20 Poor
    3) RESP
    5.0% 1/20 Excellent
    30.0% 6/20 Good
    50.0% 10/20 Not good
    15.0% 3/20 Poor
    4) Capital Gains Exemption & Capital Gains Taxation
    5.0% 1/20 Excellent
    25.0% 5/20 Good
    50.0% 10/20 Not good
    20.0% 4/20 Poor
    5) Dividend Funds & Tax treatment
    5.0% 1/20 Excellent
    30.0% 6/20 Good
    40.0% 8/20 Not good
    25.0% 5/20 Poor
    6) Retirement Planning
    0.0% 0/20 Excellent
    45.0% 9/20 Good
    35.0% 7/20 Not good
    20.0% 4/20 Poor
    7) Estate Planning
    4.8% 1/21 Excellent
    52.4% 11/21 Good
    28.6% 6/21 Not good
    14.3% 3/21 Poor

  18. How financially secure do you feel you are today...

    14.3% 3/21 very secure
    19.0% 4/21 rather scure
    38.1% 8/21 rather insecure
    28.6% 6/21 very insecure
    0.0% 0/21 I don't know

  19. How financially secure do you feel your family is today...

    14.3% 3/21 very secure
    23.8% 5/21 rather secure
    28.6% 6/21 rather insecure
    33.3% 7/21 very insecure
    0.0% 0/21 I don't know

  20. How would you rate your expectations of a good insurance or investment advisor?

    1) Reliable & honest
    19.0% 4/21 Very important
    38.1% 8/21 rather iImportant
    33.3% 7/21 rather unimportant
    9.5% 2/21 Not important at all
    2) Clear explanation & total disclosure
    20.0% 4/20 Very important
    35.0% 7/20 rather iImportant
    40.0% 8/20 rather unimportant
    5.0% 1/20 Not important at all
    3) Representative of a big Canadian Company
    5.0% 1/20 Very important
    30.0% 6/20 rather iImportant
    60.0% 12/20 rather unimportant
    5.0% 1/20 Not important at all
    4) Efficient in convincing & closing
    0.0% 0/20 Very important
    35.0% 7/20 rather iImportant
    35.0% 7/20 rather unimportant
    30.0% 6/20 Not important at all
    5) To develop with you a long term relationship
    10.0% 2/20 Very important
    55.0% 11/20 rather iImportant
    25.0% 5/20 rather unimportant
    10.0% 2/20 Not important at all
    6) Must not be new in the business
    5.0% 1/20 Very important
    55.0% 11/20 rather iImportant
    30.0% 6/20 rather unimportant
    10.0% 2/20 Not important at all
    7) Must be a friend or a relative
    5.0% 1/20 Very important
    45.0% 9/20 rather iImportant
    35.0% 7/20 rather unimportant
    15.0% 3/20 Not important at all
    8) Must have been referred to me
    10.0% 2/20 Very important
    50.0% 10/20 rather iImportant
    35.0% 7/20 rather unimportant
    5.0% 1/20 Not important at all
    9) Handles my general insurance, life, disability, Health insurance & investment
    5.0% 1/20 Very important
    40.0% 8/20 rather iImportant
    40.0% 8/20 rather unimportant
    15.0% 3/20 Not important at all
    10) Immediately available if I need him
    15.0% 3/20 Very important
    20.0% 4/20 rather iImportant
    55.0% 11/20 rather unimportant
    10.0% 2/20 Not important at all
    11) Respectful of my time & my decision to buy
    15.0% 3/20 Very important
    45.0% 9/20 rather iImportant
    25.0% 5/20 rather unimportant
    15.0% 3/20 Not important at all
    12) Must be of my ethnical community
    5.0% 1/20 Very important
    50.0% 10/20 rather iImportant
    30.0% 6/20 rather unimportant
    15.0% 3/20 Not important at all

  21. On the list below, is there anything you will eventually wish to purchase?

    66.7% 4/6 Life insurance
    66.7% 4/6 New Mortgage, refinancing or Mortgage renewal
    50.0% 3/6 Stocks
    50.0% 3/6 Mortgage insurance if cheaper
    50.0% 3/6 Health & Dental insurance (or group insurance)
    33.3% 2/6 Disability Insurance
    33.3% 2/6 Mutual Funds
    16.7% 1/6 Critical illness insurance
    16.7% 1/6 RRSP
    16.7% 1/6 RESP (for the children)

  22. If yes, when

    5.3% 1/19 As soon as possible
    15.8% 3/19 In one month
    10.5% 2/19 In 3 months
    26.3% 5/19 In 6 months
    21.1% 4/19 In one year
    21.1% 4/19 In 2 years

  23. Would you eventually want to have help on the following?

    1) Tax-sheltered planning to pay less taxes?
    28.6% 6/21 Yes
    61.9% 13/21 No
    9.5% 2/21 Later
    2) Retirement planning to establish a sound income at old age
    10.0% 2/20 Yes
    80.0% 16/20 No
    10.0% 2/20 Later
    3) Estate planning (transferring your assets to your children)
    10.0% 2/20 Yes
    70.0% 14/20 No
    20.0% 4/20 Later
    4) Mutual Fund Investment
    10.0% 2/20 Yes
    65.0% 13/20 No
    25.0% 5/20 Later
    5) Other
    0.0% 0/17 Yes
    88.2% 15/17 No
    11.8% 2/17 Later

  24. One day, will you wish to plan the transfer of the business ownership to your children?

    42.9% 9/21 Yes
    57.1% 12/21 No

  25. At what age do you wish to retire?

    9.5% 2/21 55 or before
    28.6% 6/21 56-60
    19.0% 4/21 61-65
    19.0% 4/21 66-70
    14.3% 3/21 Never
    9.5% 2/21 I don't know

  26. At what age do you expect you will retire?

    4.8% 1/21 55 or before
    14.3% 3/21 56-60
    14.3% 3/21 61-65
    33.3% 7/21 66-70
    19.0% 4/21 Never
    14.3% 3/21 I don't know

  27. Please provide us with your name and your business name

    Click here for details

  28. Sex

    57.1% 12/21 Male
    42.9% 9/21 Female

  29. Age group

    9.5% 2/21 18-25
    14.3% 3/21 26-40
    38.1% 8/21 41-50
    33.3% 7/21 51-60
    4.8% 1/21 60 & over

  30. Marital Status

    23.8% 5/21 Married
    28.6% 6/21 Common-law
    42.9% 9/21 Single
    4.8% 1/21 Divorced
    0.0% 0/21 Widow/Widower

  31. If married or common-law, does your spouse work?

    60.0% 12/20 Yes
    40.0% 8/20 No

  32. How many children do you have?

    15.0% 3/20 None
    35.0% 7/20 1
    45.0% 9/20 2
    5.0% 1/20 3 & up